God could have simply wiped the early ones out and started again - but that would not have proved His contention, which was goaded by the adversary. So Man became independent, and that issue has to prove itself - God's intervention would only violate the terms. God cannot intervene until Mankind learns that it cannot survive on its own
- What about when God drowned almost everyone on the planet in the flood, wasn't that intervention?
- What about the tower of Babel when God confused all the languages and spread everyone apart, wasn't that intervention?
- What about when God helped Judah kill 500,000 men, wasn't that intervention (2 Chronicles 13:15)?
- What about when he killed all the firstborn (including babies) in Egypt, wasn't that intervention?
- What about when God ordered the genocide of the Midianites, Amalekites, the people of Heshbon, and the people of Bashan - wasn't that intervention (1 Samuel 15:1-9, Numbers 31:7-18, Deuteronomy 3:3-7, Deuteronomy 2:32-35)?
- What about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, wasn't that intervention?
- What about God sending two bears to maul children to death for calling Elisha bald, wasn't that intervention (2 Kings 2:23)?
- What about God giving Jeptha victory over the Ammonites on the condition that he sacrifice his daughter, wasn't that intervention (Judges 11:30-39)?
- What about God giving Samson strength so he can kill 30 men for their clothes, wasn't that intervention (Judges 14:11-19)?
- etc.
Clearly God can intervene to cause destruction and death. And it's not just humans that experience suffering. It's also animals that suffer and die too. What about them?